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Meet A Local Insurance Expert

Barry Marianchuck
Account Executive - Financial Services


Help me understand your needs to get you the right life insurance.

Quote and Buy Life Insurance Today!

I’m proud to be a compassionate, empathetic financial services account executive on Western Financial Group’s life insurance team with more than 32 years of experience.

Customer care is my top priority. I’m always looking forward to meeting new clients and referrals.

If you are looking for life insurance in Yorkton, Saskatoon, Bredenbury, Canora or surrounding areas in Saskatchewan, reach out to me. I’m your Life Insurance expert in Saskatchewan.

Products and services offered:

Ask me about Life Insurance, Critical Illness, Disability, Group Benefit Plans, segregated mutual funds as well as investment products for pre and post retirement planning.

I have a Level 2 LLQP Certification for Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

I have been licensed to offer life insurance since 1999 and received my Chartered Financial Planner (CFP) designation in 1997.

I specialize in financial products, such as segregated mutual funds, GICs, TFSAs, RRSPs, and RRIFs with a focus on pre-retirement planning and post retirement planning.

What are segregated funds?

Segregated funds can be described as an investment associated with life insurance. These can be purchased as part of a tax-free savings account (TFSA) or registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). Feel free to reach out to me today to start talking about your financial future.

About me:

I’ve been married for 42 years and have three sons. As well, I was a member of the Lions Club for 15 years and coached minor hockey for 18 years.

Other interests and activities I enjoy include golfing, fishing, and spending time at our cabin at Good Spirit Provincial Park.

Did you know Canadians don’t often review their insurance needs? Call me today for life insurance.

Live Confidently with Life Insurance.

I am licensed in the following provinces and I am here to help you.

 Manitoba | Saskatchewan