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Independent Retail Insurance Program

Commercial Insurance Information

Working in partnership with independent retail stores, our Independent Retail Insurance Program offers commercial insurance coverage options specific to independent retailers' needs. In addition to Property and General Liability insurance, the Independent Retail Insurance Program offers other coverage options, including:

Retail Business

Business Interruption

Help protect your retail location from a loss of income in the event of a temporary shut-down with our business interruption insurance.

Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability coverage helps minimize the impact of a cyber attack against your retail location with crisis management, credit monitoring and data recovery service options.


Criminal acts can hurt your business and result in losses. Our commercial insurance plans offer coverage for employee dishonesty, credit card forgery and other crimes.

Access Your Policy

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Working with Retailers

The Independent Retail Insurance Program works with your store location to provide an insurance program that provides superior coverage and manages your risk. Our program offers complete in-house services, including claims and risk management, to work with you beyond signing the policy. This innovative approach provides efficient and responsive service saving you money and time.

Retail business insurance program

Independent Retail Insurance Program Advantages

Immediate premium savings when joining the program



Industry-specific coverage

Our industry experts have created insurance solutions specific to your needs, giving you the coverage options that your industry needs.



Our knowledgeable in-house teams are able to offer efficient, responsive and comprehensive support to your business, saving you time and money.


Long-term rate stability

Our innovative group insurance options provide clients with stronger buying power, lowering costs and enhancing rate stability.


Do you know about our Risk Management Services?

Our risk management team collaborates with you to assess your business and identify areas for improvement. 
Learn more about our Risk Management Services.

Commercial Sales & Service 

To better serve our clients, we have a dedicated team of specialists devoted to providing exemplary service to Independent Retail Insurance Program members.

Toll Free: (800) 665-8990