Daffodil month

Spring has arrived. Signs of the most anticipated season of the year are everywhere as early bloomers start to poke through the soil.
Another sure sign of spring is the daffodil pin. A symbol of strength and courage in the fight against cancer, the daffodil pin makes an appearance every April to raise awareness of cancer.
Money raised during Daffodil Month helps the Canadian Cancer Society help people living with cancer and their families. Donations also fund life-saving research and support services.
According to 2010 estimates, 2 out of 5 Canadians are expected to develop cancer during their lifetime. 1 of 4 Canadians will die from the disease.
The good news is that cancer survival rates are increasing. Based on 2006 – 2008 estimates, over 60% of Canadians diagnosed with cancer are expected to survive for 5 years or more after a cancer diagnosis. Between 1992–1994 and 2006–2008, survival rates increased from 53% to 60% for all cancers combined.
Cancer affects everyone
A cancer diagnosis turns everyone’s world upside down. It is devastating for the patient who must now fight a very tough battle. It is also a disruptive force for the patient’s loved ones.
Understanding cancer can be hard and trying to move forward in life while living with cancer takes its toll on all those involved. You feel scared, helpless, angry and often very alone.
The Canadian Cancer Society is there to help with services such as:
- A national, toll-free service for cancer patients, caregivers, families and friends. You can talk to a trusted source about cancer treatments and side effects, coping with cancer, emotional support services, prevention, community support and more
- Peer support service that connects people living with cancer and caregivers with trained volunteers who have been there
- An online community that helps people who have cancer, cancer survivors and caregivers
- A service that helps you find cancer-related services in your area
Help to alleviate some of the financial burden of cancer
Part of the stress that accompanies a diagnosis of cancer is that it threatens your family’s security, particularly if the patient is the primary income earner.
The Canadian Cancer Society may be able to help with short-term financial assistance to cover a portion of cancer-related transportation and accommodation expenses. The Society can also assist with part of the cost of prescription medications that manage symptoms related to cancer treatment.
If you are concerned about the possibility of a cancer diagnosis, you may want to protect your family’s quality of life with critical illness insurance. If you’re diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and meet the conditions of your Critical Illness Policy, you’ll receive one lump sum of money, which will enable you to get the care and treatment you need to recover.
How you can help the Canadian Cancer Society help others
You can support those who are fighting cancer during Daffodil Month in the following ways:
- Buy a daffodil pin and wear it.
- Purchase fresh cut daffodil flowers from your local Loblaws store.
- Volunteer for a few hours to canvas or help with pin distribution in your neighbourhood.
It doesn’t take a lot to make a huge difference. Do what you can to raise awareness of cancer this month and help the Canadian Cancer Society help those who are affected by it.
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