How to Protect Your Car from Theft

Your car is an investment. You need to keep your car safe at home or at work, whether it’s parked in your driveway, near your house or in a parking lot. Car security will give you peace of mind that your car is protected against theft.
Here’s how to protect your car from theft and vandalism with these 5 car security tips.
1. Use a steering wheel lock
Locking the steering wheel is a simple and effective way to make a car thief think about the effort he has to put into stealing your car.
Car thieves are usually looking for an easy target, but putting a lock on your steering wheel could convince them to move on to a less labour-intensive theft.
A steering wheel lock works by locking the steering wheel in place with the use of a rod, making it impossible to bend the steering wheel without removing the bar. Some models also have a brake pedal lock bar.
If you do buy a steering wheel lock or other car security device, be sure to tell your Western Financial Group car insurance expert because you may qualify for a discount.
Did you know that the majority of the vehicles are being stolen from residential driveways, usually in the overnight hours.
2. Car alarm
Many new vehicles come with a factory-installed security system. These alarms sound when the car is locked and the system detects that the doors, trunk, or windows are disturbed.
Car thieves can be so sophisticated and up on technology that they can get into a car protected by a factory-installed alarm and be gone before you even realize that your car has been stolen. Some thieves can also use special receivers to steal the signals from key fobs and get access to a vehicle without setting off the alarm.
You can buy your own car alarm system to add to your car’s security. You’ll hear the term aftermarket car alarm system for this. Most aftermarket alarms need professional installation and you'll need to factor that cost into your budget.
Alarm systems offer different options and you’ll need to choose which ones you prefer. They can include smartphone capability, GPS tracking, starter kill to prevent your car from being hot-wired, and glass-break sensors that sound an alarm when a window breaking is breaking.
Do your research to find out what would work best to improve your car security.
3. Lock Your Car
It sounds simple and it’s just common sense, but sometimes we forget to do this. We also mistakenly believe that no one would ever steal our cars right out of our driveways.
No matter how safe you think your neighbourhood is, thieves can always be on the prowl looking for opportunities.
Get in the habit of locking your car doors and windows as soon as you shut off the ignition to improve car security.
If you have a garage, park it there for improved car security.
4. Don’t leave valuables in your car
Again, this is very simple and logical advice that isn’t always followed. Bring your purse, phone, computer, and any other valuables inside with you.
Don’t leave valuables in your car on the front seat or backseat or dashboard to tempt thieves, even if your car is parked in your driveway. If you want to leave them in your car, at least lock them in your car’s trunk for better car security.
5. Home surveillance system
Security camera(s) on the outside of your house or garage that also surveille your car can help prevent car theft as well as keeping your home safer.
Respect your neighbour’s privacy by not capturing them or their property in your surveillance system without their knowledge or permission.
Other tips to improve car security
Do not leave your car unattended with the engine running, not even for a few seconds. Turn off the ignition and take the keys with you.
Do not leave personally identifying material in your car that would include such information as your name and address.
Remember: Add layers of security instead of just relying on one measure to boost your car’s security.
Ask your Western Financial Group car insurance expert about possible discounts for safety features on your car or home. You can save if you bundle your car and home insurance with us.