How to Trick or Treat Safely

Teach kids how to trick or treat safely by helping them choose a safe costume and telling them not to be out on their own.
They should only stop at houses that are participating in Halloween and you need to check their candy when they get home.
Halloween is a fun and exciting time for both kids and adults as long as everyone is safe. Here are some trick or treating safety tips to share with your kids:
Help kids choose safe Halloween costumes
Helping trick or treaters choose the right costume is an important part of Halloween safety.
- Costumes should not be long enough to trip on.
- They should be flame resistant, light-colored, and should have reflective strips so they are easily visible at night.
- Remind kids to stay away from candles and flames because costumes can be flammable.
- Use face paint instead of masks so children can see.
- Make sure pointy accessories like swords are safe and your trick or treater will not get hurt while play fighting, or if they fall on their accessory.
- Costumes should be easy to move in.
Trick or treat safety tips
Teach your kids to obey the rules of the road and travel safely while trick or treating.
- Have children travel in small groups and make sure younger kids are accompanied by an adult.
- Kids should walk on the sidewalk and avoid walking in the street.
- Tell children to go trick or treating on one side of the street and then the other, and to cross only on crosswalks.
- Remind them to look both ways before crossing the street.
- Make sure your kids have a flashlight.
- Help them plan a route and know where they will be trick or treating.
- Ask your kids to check in throughout the night and consider using a mobile tracker app.
- Make sure they understand the importance of coming home on time.
Teach kids to trick or treat safely
Trick or treaters should only go to houses that are taking part in Halloween and accept treats at the door.
- Trick or treaters should go to houses where the porch light is on.
- Explain to kids that they should only accept treats at the door and should never go inside a home or get into a car.
- Show trick or treaters where the block parent houses in your neighborhood are.
Examine treats before kids eat them
Trick or treaters should not eat any candy until it has been checked by an adult.
- Candy in damaged packages should not be eaten.
- Small, hard candy is a choking hazard for young kids.