Important insurance reminders for parents

If you have a child headed to university, there are some important things to remember but can be easily forgotten about. Check you these important reminders to make sure you and your child can have a stress free school year.

Important insurance reminders for parents

It’s that time of year again. Many students are gearing up to head back to universities across the country. Not only a hectic time for students, but also for parents who have to buy everything from toiletries to electronics for their kids. Despite the time, effort and money parents put into preparing their children for school, many don’t think about protecting their belongings away from home.

Talk to a broker: Talking with a trusted insurance professional is a crucial step in preparing to send your child off to school. There are many factors that affect insurance coverage such as the province or state where the student is attending university, and whether they are living in a dorm room or if they are in off-campus housing. Health insurance also needs to be investigated.

Car insurance considerations: If your student is taking a car to school with them, make sure that they have the proper coverage. “Talk with a broker to understand the unique needs of your situation to ensure adequate coverage,” says Reichert.

Tenants insurance: Depending on where the student is living, it is important to talk with a broker about tenants insurance. Tenants insurance is important for students living away from home. Speak with a trusted broker and the university about what coverage the student will need.

Find out what you are covered for: Your home insurance policy may provide some coverage on the student’s belongings, but it is essential to speak with an insurance broker regarding the extent of your home insurance policy on items that the student takes with them.

Blake Reichert is the Senior Vice President of Sales for the Prairies at Western Financial Group. In this role, Blake oversees the sales for all of Western’s branches in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Blake has been in the insurance industry for over 15 years.

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