National AccessAbility Week Spotlight at Western Financial Group

National AccessAbility  Week Spotlight at Western Financial Group

This year National AccessAbility Week takes place from May 28 to June 3.

National AccessAbility Week is an opportunity to celebrate the valuable contributions and leadership of Canadians with disabilities. It’s also an opportunity to highlight the work of people, organizations and communities that are removing barriers. National AccessAbility week also allows us to reflect on ongoing efforts to become a better, more accessible, more inclusive Canada.

Meet Ryan Arbuckle of Western’s Access-Ability Employee Resource Group

Q. What Accessibility Pillar do you identify with?

I do not identify with only one of the pillars; like many there are a few that affect me daily. However, I never let them from stop me from doing what I wish to do. I like being different, it makes me who I am and assists with the opportunities I have had in my life thus far.

Q. What does National AccessAbility Week mean to you?

Education and getting more knowledge to others who may not know or understand what it is. I feel the more we can educate everyone on any subject, the more people can understand. Each person has their own struggles, seen or not, thus we must always remember to be open and listen so we can pass knowledge on to the next person.

Q. How does Western support your pillar of accessibility or your accessibility requirements?

I am not a person who needs much, but I use my voice to advocate for others who are not able to or are too shy to speak up. Everyone deserves to be treated equally; however, some people are scared to be judged. When in most cases people are wanting to assist and are curious. If people continue to judge, then look to surround yourself with positive people as positivity breeds positivity.

Q. Why did you join the Access-Ability Employee Resource Group?

I want to use my voice for others who are not able to. Many never speak up because society has dictated for decades people with differences are not normal. In turn, they stay quiet. However, in today’s time people want to advocate for those who are different and create equality.

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