Spring Cleaning Tips for People Who Hate Cleaning

The weather is starting to turn and everyone is itching to go outside after being cooped up all winter. So why not…stay inside and clean?
But not to worry, spring cleaning does not need to be as tedious and boring as it seems, and you will be rewarded with a home you want to spend time in.
Here are some expert tips for making spring cleaning easy.
Use only a few cleaning products
Simplify your collection of cleaning products to make chores manageable. Use an all-purpose cleaner and microfiber cloths for most surfaces and specialty cleaning supplies only as needed. Store cleaning products where they are easily accessible when you need them instead of having to run up two flights of stairs every time.
Clean one room at a time
The thought of cleaning your house top to bottom can be so overwhelming that some of us might put it off forever. Spring clean one room at a time to make it manageable.
Make lists
Make a list for each room to stay on track and remember everything you need to get done. Crossing things off your list also provides a sense of accomplishment and shows that you are making progress.
Give yourself a challenge
If you hate cleaning, set a timer for 20 minutes and see if you can clean the bathroom before it goes off. Chances are you will finish the bathroom and start doing another task before your time is up. This is a great way to get started instead of dreading the spring clean and procrastinating.
Have rewards
Reward yourself for accomplishing goals. Give yourself a reward each time you meet a mini goal to make spring cleaning easier. A little bribery can also go a long way to get you help from a family member or friend.
De-cluttering is one of the best spring cleaning tips because it helps keep your home organized even after you are done. Clutter around your home makes it stressful to be in and difficult to clean.
Sell, donate, or recycle everything you no longer need, including clothes you have not worn in the last year. The less stuff you have, the easier your home is to spring clean and keep tidy. And now you’ll have all that extra space for a new spring wardrobe!
Have a place for everything
Prevent clutter from building back up by having a home for all your possessions. If there is nowhere to put something, get rid of it or make room by getting rid of something else so you do not keep shuffling clutter around the house.
Do not be a perfectionist
Your home does not have to be perfect, just clean and enjoyable to live in. If you do not clean it to perfection, it will still be a significant improvement, so do not sweat the small stuff.
Invest in technology
Automate as many cleaning tasks as possible. You can spend less time cleaning by getting a robotic vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, or self-cleaning oven. The time you can spend doing other things will be worth the investment.
Do seasonal chores early
Tackle outside chores early so you can split the cleaning up. Clean windows, the grill, and the patio as soon as the weather is warm enough, so you do not have to do it last minute before you have guests over. Also, store winter clothing and décor and pull out the spring items at the same time.
Make spring cleaning fun
Make spring cleaning fun by making it less of a chore. Turn up the music, have a glass of wine, listen to an audiobook, or podcast, or binge-watch a guilty pleasure TV show while you clean.
Make it a contest
Treat chores like games and have contests with your family to make annoying tasks tolerable. The first person to finish a task or whoever gets the most done can have a special treat.
Start new habits
Spring cleaning is a great time to establish good habits that will make cleaning easier in the future. Instead of trying to do all of your spring cleaning in one day, do 15 minutes of cleaning every day and keep that habit going even when you have completed all of your spring cleaning tasks.