The Holidays are Coming: Protect Your Car From Thieves

You can be out holiday shopping or at a festive gathering, but as the most wonderful time of the year approaches you need to protect your car from thieves.
With the holiday shopping season now underway, police are reminding people how to prevent the theft of their car and the valuables inside it.
What’s one of the easiest ways to prevent your car and valuables (like your holiday gifts) from being candy to thieves? Lock your car and don’t leave any valuables in sight. Common sense but in the rush of the season, we can forget to do the simplest things like putting our packages in the trunk.
Another easy tip: Never leave your vehicle unattended while it is running even if you’re heading into the convenience store for just a minute to pick up a little something.
Thieves count on us to be busy and distracted.
The holiday season is full of to-do lists, shopping, parties, and people to see. For thieves, it’s a crime of opportunity. If they can pull open a car, they’ll steal what they can. Don’t get distracted.
Did you know? New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are the most likely times during the holiday season for your car to be stolen. The most common time for a car to be stolen is between 2 a.m and 5 a.m.
Thieves will be more than tempted if you do the following:
- You hide a spare key to your car in your car
- Hide a spare car key under a mat outside your door
- Leave personal identification inside your vehicle
- Leave your key fob unprotected inside and near your front door
- Park your car in a poorly lit area
- Don’t bother to lock your car
What devices can help stop car theft?
Theft recovery device: Get a recovery device installed in your vehicle so that you can track it in real time in the event it is stolen. If your car gets stolen, you would be able to tell the police where it is, which helps with the recovery of the vehicle.
Key fob shielding bag: When not in use, put your key fob inside a radio frequency shielding bag/pouch to block cell signals. Also lock the onboard diagnostic port using a device that blocks access to where thieves reprogram the vehicle’s key fob.
Tin can: Storing your key fob in a tin can inside your home can potentially help prevent keyless car theft. The tin can may potentially block the signal from thieves trying to relay the signal from your car key fob.
Steering wheel locking device: Use a steering wheel locking device to deter theft.
An alarm system: Get one that activates automatically when you turn the ignition off or shut your car door.
Automatic disabling device: Get a disabling device such as a computer chip in the ignition if an unrecognized key is used.
Invest in anti-theft devices such as: Ignition or fuel kill switches, steering wheel lock, gearshift lock, hood lock, steering column collar, tire clamps.
Dash cam: A Dash cam can record footage while the car is running or parked. Footage from a dash cam inside your vehicle can identify thieves or prevent the theft from happening.
Should you layer anti-theft devices? Yes. One anti-theft device may not be enough. The more protection you have against theft, the better.
What kind of insurance can help prevent car theft?
Comprehensive insurance protects your car from losses unrelated to collision, losses that aren’t the driver’s fault, such as theft.
If you’re worried about your car getting stolen, make sure to get comprehensive car insurance coverage. Not only does it protect you against theft, but it also helps you with a wide range of losses such as a tree falling on your car, flood damage, or a collision with a deer.
Who are the thieves? Car thief profiles:
Professionals: They are often part of organized crime groups. They usually send stolen vehicles to chop shops that strip down cars down for parts or they send them overseas to be sold.
Opportunists: They see an unlocked car and steal it. They can abandon it or dismantle it and sell the parts.
Joyriders: They can be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and decide to take a ride if the car is unlocked.
Carjackers: Carjackers can be armed and can force you out of your car while you are in it. They can also bump into your car on purpose and steal it when you get out to take a look. They are often dangerous.
What if your car gets stolen?
Call the police to report that your vehicle has been stolen. Then call your insurance company to open a claim and give them the police file number.
Make sure that you can provide the year, make, model, and colour of your vehicle, licence plate, vehicle identification number (VIN), and any dents or scratches that can distinguish your car from others.
Stay aware during the holiday season to avoid having your car stolen. Lock your car or risk losing it.