Tips for preventing driver fatigue

June 17, 2019. There are several things you can do before trips or your daily commute that will help prevent you from driving fatigued.
- Get enough sleep. If you consistently feel tired from not sleeping enough,Man driving at night looking tired.try changing your sleep schedule.
- Take a nap before a long trip. Even an hour will help.
- Rest safely in the middle of a long trip. Fighting fatigue doesn’t work and isn’t worth the risk of an accident. Find a safe place to pull over to take a rest.
- Avoid heavy or sugary foods while driving. A big, greasy meal might be satisfying at the time but will make you tired. Anything with a lot of sugar or simple carbohydrates, like sugary drinks, donuts, and cookies, will spike your blood sugar and then make it drop suddenly, giving you a sugar crash. Choose small, healthy snacks instead, like trail mix, fruits and veggies, and small amounts of protein. And don’t forget to stay hydrated!
- Take breaks. Pull over to stretch and walk around. This will help keep you alert and able to focus.
- Use caffeine in moderation. Too much caffeine will make you jittery, unable to focus and even more tired in the long run.
- Drive at the time of day when you have the most energy.
- Avoid medication that has drowsiness as a side effect.
- Keep the temperature low in the car because heat can make you sleepy.
- Alternate driving with another person on long trips if possible.
- Wear sunglasses and maintain good posture so your muscles and eyes don’t get fatigued.
- Stop frequently to get some fresh air.
Following these guidelines may help you, the drivers, and pedestrians around you stay safe.