Western Financial Group helps Albertans with Registry Services

Western Financial Group helps Albertans with Registry Services

Western Financial Group can help you with your registry service needs, whether you want to book a driver’s test, register your business, or become an organ donor.

Western offers 11 different registry service locations in Alberta on behalf of the Government of Alberta and registry agents are available to help you with all of your registry needs.

Contact Western about Alberta registry services

Our team of registry agents is trained to understand your registry needs. Talk to a Western registry expert about completing registry services. We have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through this process.

Auto registry services

Western offers registry services for drivers. From registering your first car to getting a personalized licence plate, you can access the registry services your need. By talking to a registry agent you can:

  • Register your vehicle and renew your registration
  • Get your driver’s abstract
  • Find out how to get your driver’s or motorcycle licence or renew it
  • Book a road test
  • Find out what the requirements are for a senior driver’s license
  • Replace a stolen driver's licence
  • Pay your traffic tickets
  • Get a bill of sale
  • Get a disabled placard
  • Book a vehicle inspection
  • Obtain a vehicle history search

Business registry services

Starting a business in Alberta is not as complicated as it seems and Western registry agents are trained to help you run and protect it. whether you are naming your first business, changing its structure, or filing an annual return, Western can help. Your registry agent can help you figure out how to:

  • Name your business
  • Choose a business structure
  • Register your business
  • File an annual return
  • Change the name or your business
  • Change corporate records
  • Change a business structure
  • Shut down a business

Personal registry services

Do not let paperwork take the excitement out of life’s big moments. Whether you are getting married, moving, travelling, buying your first home, or starting a family, a Western registry agent can help make the formalities easy. By contacting us you can:

  • Get your Alberta Health Care Card
  • Get an Alberta photo ID card
  • Do a property lien search or registration
  • Enlist Commissioner for Oaths services like land title transfers, affidavits, forms for replacing passports, licensing documents for professionals such as real estate agents and accountants, and Canadian pension documents
  • Securely dispose of confidential documents
  • Use vital statistics services to obtain a birth certificate, marriage license, marriage certificate, death certificate, or name change
  • Do a land title search
  • Do a personal properties search
  • Do a vital statistics search
  • Become and organ and tissue donor

Contact a Western office for guidance about which location near you offers the Alberta registry services you need. Not all locations provide all registry services. You may be able to complete some registry services online and you can get more information by reaching out to one of our agents.

Book an appointment

Western has registry agents across Alberta. Our experts are available now in branch or on the phone to help you navigate the journey of living in Alberta and taking care or your registry services needs. Book an appointment so our registry agents can help you find what you need.

Western Registries locations

Western’s 11 registry locations in Alberta have been serving the public for over 20 years. We take pride in the service we give and in listening to our customers’ needs.


Alix Registries

4924 - 50th Street, Alix, AB

Tel: 403-747-2614

Fax: 403-747-3828



Bashaw Registries

4907 - 50th Street, Bashaw, AB

Tel: 780-372-3584

Fax: 780-372-3053



Bassano Registries

412 - 2nd Avenue, Bassano, AB

Tel: 403-641-3014

Fax: 403-641-4546



Beaverlodge Registries

203 - 10th Street, Beaverlodge, AB

Tel: 780-354-2265

Fax: 780-354-3188


Bow Island

Bow Island Registries

118 - 5th Avenue, Bow Island, AB

Tel: 403-545-2252

Fax: 403-545-2857



Coronation Registries

5016 Victoria Avenue, Coronation, AB

Tel: 403-578-3695

Fax: 403-578-3344



Fairview Registries

10412 - 110th Street, Fairview, AB

Tel: 780-835-5900




Hanna Registries

207 - 2nd Avenue, Hanna, AB

Tel: 403-854-3321

Fax: 403-854-2686



Nanton Registries

2207 - 20th Avenue, Nanton, AB

Tel: 403-646-2900

Fax: 403-646-2240


Turner Valley

Diamond Valley Registries &Licensing

105 - 118 Main Street, Turner Valley, AB

Tel: 403-933-4422

Fax: 403-933-4193



Vermilion Registries

4919 - 50th Avenue, Vermilion, AB

Tel: 780-853-2871

Fax: 780-853-4422


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