Western Launches its Women in Leadership Program

Western Launches its Women in Leadership Program

Western Financial Group recently launched its Women in Leadership (WIL) program. The goal of the WIL program is to help close the gap that exists between women and men at our senior leadership levels.

Over 170 women leaders attended the event and were joined by men leaders; vice presidents and above, for the keynote presentation, led by Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity and Just Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast, and Fair.

During her keynote presentation, Kim advised participants that “disrupting” bias, prejudice and bullying at work is harder to tackle as a big project where participants all tend to be overly empathetic. “It’s easier to be radically candid in small groups.”

During the program, women leaders (managers and above) would have the opportunity to participate in a series of discussions, presentations, workshops, and mentoring that provide them with the opportunity to develop personally and professionally.

The panel discussion for the launch was hosted by Loreal Rhoades, Project Manager with Morgan Mackenzie, VP, Centralized Service, Kari Sharpe, Sales Director, Laminda van der Merwe, Director, Accounting Operations, and Avelia Stewart, Manager, DEI & Sustainability serving as panelists.

The WIL program is sponsored by Nancy Green-Bolton, Chief Financial and Risk Officer and Lisa Colangelo, Chief Customer Experience Officer. The program is being championed by Kristy Rachkowski, Chief People and Culture Officer and executed under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

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