Western's Ukrainian ERG helps our new Ukrainian children with school supplies

With the support of Western Financial Group, the Ukrainian Employees Network and Allies Employee Resource Group (ERG) has donated $1,000 to the Calgary and Winnipeg Immigrant Services Centre to help our new Ukrainian families with the purchase of school supplies!
The Ukrainian ERG acknowledged that starting school in a new country can be stressful for both children and parents due to a new school, potentially a new language, and financial concerns.
With this in mind, the Employee Resource Group has donated 20 gift cards which will be distributed to families in need of additional financial support for the upcoming school year. It is our way of giving back to our communities, lending a helping hand, and above all, letting them know we care.
The Ukrainian ERG’s vision is to celebrate and enhance the awareness of the Ukrainian culture across Canada while providing meaningful support to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
Branch Manager, Vicki Penney, a member of our Ukrainian ERG says, “It really moves me to be involved in an organization that encourages its employees to help in so many different areas, being able to support our youth in their back-to-school journey is priceless.”
September 7 is also Ukrainian Heritage Day. It’s a day to recognize and honour the great contributions of Ukrainians to Canadian communities spanning over 125 years.