Western's guide to top vehicle maintenance

At Western Financial Group, we know your ride is important. If you’re new on the road or a seasoned pro behind the wheel, one thing is clear — caring for your vehicle is simple and effective. October is Canada’s Car Safety Month and a fall vehicle maintenance guide is the best way to start the season.
Winter can be taxing on your vehicle — as your insurance experts we know the season can be tough. However, giving your ride that extra TLC doesn’t have to make your head spin. Take it from us; ensure your vehicle is in peak working condition — before the mercury drops.
Tips for your vehicle:
- Your vehicle’s fluids (engine oil, brake and transmission etc.) are important year-round. You’ll want a “well-oiled” machine in advance of winter’s cold.
- Top up your windshield washer fluid and have an extra jug on hand.
- Ensure you have 4 all-weather/winter tires installed—look for the three-peak mountain + snowflake symbol. Your tires, mandated in some provinces, must be suited for the weather.
- Don’t forget to keep an eye on your tire pressure, especially in freeze and thaw scenarios. Keep your levels in accordance to the tire information label.
- Consider having an expert inspect your brakes.
- Trust us—you’ll want a fully-charged battery. Replace if necessary. Corrosion or loose connections means your battery may need attending to.
- Noises or vehicle issues that are out of the ordinary should be checked ASAP.
- An oil and air filter change, if needed, is a lot easier when the temperatures are still mild.
- Give your exterior lights a good clean and then try them. Dim bulbs can be hazardous and should be changed. Maybe conduct a mock test of hazards, brake lights, high beams etc.
- Your windshield wipers should be replaced every 6 to 12 months, but it depends on the harshness of your environment. Keep an eye on any driving visibility changes.
- Before your windows fog or ice up, check that your heating/defrosting system works.
- The condition of your hoses and belts is vital. Repair if brittle, cracked or frayed.
At Western, we know winter comes with challenges, but vehicle maintenance doesn’t have to be a head scratcher. If you take the proper steps now, you’ll be far more well adapted to enjoy the season on the road. Drive safe!