What Do You Know about Queen Victoria and Victoria Day?

Why do we have a long weekend in May, the unofficial start of summer? Officially, it’s the Victoria Day weekend and it honours Queen Victoria, one of longest-reigning monarchs in British history.
What do you know about Queen Victoria and Victoria Day? There’s lots you may not know.
What is Victoria Day?
Victoria Day commemorates the birthday of Queen Victoria on May 24, 1819. She was a reigning monarch for 63 years, seven months and two days. (1837-1901)
It was celebrated even before Confederation. May 24, Queen Victoria’s birthday, was declared a holiday by the Legislature of the Province of Canada in 1845.
Why is Victoria Day celebrated before May 24?
An amendment by Parliament in 1952 established the celebration of Victoria Day on the Monday preceding May 25.
In 2024, Victoria Day will be celebrated on Monday, May 20.
Here’s some trivia about Victoria Day and Queen Victoria:
What’s the slang nickname for Victoria Day?
Victoria Day is also known as "May 2-4." A 2-4 is slang for a case of 24 beers.
Where else is Victoria Day celebrated?
Victoria Day is also celebrated in parts of Scotland. Victoria Day is a public holiday in parts of Eastern Central Scotland, namely the capital city of Edinburgh and in the city of Dundee.
Does Quebec celebrate Victoria Day?
No, but it’s still a holiday. It's called Journée nationale des patriotes (National Patriots Day), but it’s on the same day as Victoria Day.
The Patriots was the name given to the Parti canadien and to the popular movement that were part of the Rebellion in Lower Canada of 1837-38 (Quebec) against the British crown.
National Patriots' Day was established by the Parti Quebecois government in 2003 to recognize the significance of the Patriots. National Patriots’ Day replaced a holiday called Fête de Dollard, which had replaced Victoria Day in 1918.
It’s the official start of gardening season
Victoria Day is considered the time to start planting gardens because the frost is usually out of the ground in many parts of Canada.
It’s also considered the beginning of cottage season, camping season, and barbecue season.
Why are fireworks popular on Victoria Day?
Victoria Day, which dates back to 1845, was marked with military parades and evening fireworks.
That tradition has continued. Victoria Day is still known across Canada for fireworks and a number of cities have parades.
Did you know? She’s also the Mother of Confederation? Although Canadians had celebrated Queen Victoria’s birthday since 1845, the Canadian government passed a law in 1901 making Victoria Day a permanent statutory holiday in honour of Victoria's role as “Mother of Confederation.”
Queen Victoria chose Canada’s capital
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as Canada's capital in 1857 because it was a militarily defensible location on the border between Quebec and Ontario. The city is home to Parliament Hill, the meeting place of Canada's House of Commons and Senate.
Did Queen Victoria speak German?
Queen Victoria’s mother was originally from Germany, so Victoria spoke only German until she was three years old.
Later, Queen Victoria spoke primarily English, but she also spoke fluent French, as well as some Italian and Latin. Although Victoria spoke English fluently, she still had a German accent and tutors helped her to get rid of it.
Queen Victoria spoke German almost all of the time with her husband Prince Albert. All nine of their children could speak German fluently. All of their children married into European royal families and was also known as the "Grandmother of Europe."
Did Queen Victoria propose to Albert?
Tradition dictated that no one could propose to a reigning monarch. So, Victoria proposed to Prince Albert, her first cousin. She proposed during his second visit in October 1839 at Windsor Castle in Berkshire.
Tradition of the bride wearing white
Queen Victoria has been credited with starting the tradition of white weddings and white bridal gowns, although she was not the first royal to be married in white.
She chose to wear a white wedding dress made from heavy silk satin.
Victoria wasn’t her first name
Queen Victoria was originally named Alexandrina Victoria, after her godfather, Tsar Alexander I. She preferred to go by her second name, Victoria, or the nickname Drina.
Queen Victoria loved curry
Queen Victoria loved Indian food and enjoyed chicken curry every Sunday.
She had a big fat diamond
Queen Victoria was the first British monarch to own the Koh-I-Noor diamond, one of the world’s largest. It was 793 carats when uncut. Now it’s 105.6 carats, cut down from its previous 186 carats on the orders of Albert in 1852.
She wasn’t a phone talker
Queen Victoria was not a fan of the telephone, which was in vented during her reign. She apparently found the telephone cold and impersonal.
Why was she considered a prude?
Queen Victoria had a buttoned-up public life, but she did have nine children! It was her public persona.
She had a collection of nude paintings, and she and her husband, Prince Albert, gave each other risque artwork as birthday gifts.
Enjoy Victoria Day! Queen Victoria would approve.