What you need to know about speed limits in school zones for back to school

Three young people are seen descending from the steps of a yellow school bus

It’s back to school and a great time to refresh your memory about the speed limits in school zones. Every province requires you to slow down, but the speed limits in school zones and times of day they are in effect differ. Municipalities can also have their own rules, so school zone speed limits are not always the same across the province.

Why sticking to the speed limit in school zones is important

o Children are not able to judge the speed of an oncoming vehicle, tend to dart into the street without looking for traffic, and their height makes them difficult to see.

o The faster the vehicle is going, the harder the impact in an accident. A few km/hr difference in speed can be the difference between life and death.

What is the speed limit in school zones in BC?

o The school zone speed limit is 30km/hr.

o It is in effect between 8 am and 5 pm on school days only.

o School zone signs are house-shaped and neon green.

o A school zone ends when you can see the back of the school zone sign on the other side of the road.

What is the speed limit in school zones in Alberta?

o School zones are indicated by a yellow-green pentagon sign

o Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a school zone is 30 km/hr.

o The speed limit in a school zone is in effect from 8:00 am – 9:30 am, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, and 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm.

o Municipalities may have different times for when the school zone speed limit is in effect. Calgary only has playground zones, for example.

o Passing is not allowed in school zones.

o A school zone ends when a new speed limit is posted.

What is the speed limit in school zones in Saskatchewan?

o The school zone speed limit in Saskatchewan is 30 km/hr.

o U turns are illegal in school zones.

What is the speed limit in school zones in Manitoba?

o The speed limit in a school zone is determined by each municipality.

o On roads where the speed limit is less than 80 km/hr, the school zone speed limit must not be lower than 30 km/hr.

o On roads there the speed limit is 80 km/hr or higher, the school zone speed limit cannot be less than 50km/hr.

What is the speed limit in school zones in Ontario?

o In Ontario, school zone sped limits can change by municipality and are usually around 40 km/hr.

Tips for driving in a school zone speed limit

o Be prepared to slow down or stop and scan the road ahead of you for pedestrians.

o Watch for school safety patrol in orange vests.

o Watch for children between parked cars and in parking lots.

o Do not drive distracted.

What is the difference between a school zone and a playground zone?

o Playground zones are in effect at certain times of the day all year.

o School zones are in effect at certain times on school days.

o Playground zone signs are not the same as school zone signs but have similar speed limits.

o In Alberta, playground zone speed limits are in effect every day from 8:30 am to one hour after sunset.

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