Insurance for school age children

Insurance for school age children

Physical activity is a healthy, normal part of childhood. When you send your child or children off to school each day, it is expected that they will be involved in some form of physical activity.

Sometimes accidents happen - on the playground, in physical education class, sports tournaments, track and field days, and even just walking or riding a bike to school.

What you may not realize is that your government healthcare plan and even your employee group plan may not cover all the expenses incurred as a result of a child’s accident.

That’s where school accident insurance comes in. It fills in the coverage gaps so you don’t face financial hardship if your child is hurt and needs medical care and after-accident assistance.

Coverage - anytime, anywhere

School accident insurance provides a full year of supplementary coverage for all accident situations, whether your child is hurt on or off school property, and even when your child is at home. It offers 24/7 peace-of-mind, including coverage during summer holidays. Three- and five-year policies may also be available.

Children 19 years of age and under are covered whether they are attending daycare, elementary and secondary schools (public and Catholic), private schools. Home-schooled students can get insurance provided the curriculum is approved by the School Board or Provincial Ministry of Education. There is also an adult plan that allows you to cover students over the age of 19.

What type of coverage is provided?

Depending on the plan you choose, your child’s coverage may include:

  • Comprehensive medical and dental coverage
  • Wage loss coverage if your students works part-time
  • Travel medical coverage if your child is injured while out of the province or the country, plus emergency return flights and family transportation
  • Private tutoring so your child doesn’t fall behind in school
  • Full hospital services coverage
  • Coverage for at-home nursing, wheelchairs, casts, and prescription drugs
  • Eyeglasses/contact lenses replacement costs
  • Babysitting expenses during school hours or your workday if your child requires home care due to an accident
  • Prosthetic appliances (artificial limbs), retrofitting your home with special equipment or the purchase of specially equipped transportation

Fortunately, student accident insurance is very affordable for most Canadian families amounting to just pennies a day. If your child or children are physically active, involved in body contact sports, or simply “accident-prone”, you may want to get the added comfort and peace-of-mind of student accident insurance.

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