5 RV Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents

5 RV Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents

Going on the road in an RV is a summer highlight for many Canadians and the popularity of RVing shows no signs of slowing down.

According to the Kampgrounds of America 2022 North American Camping Report, “interest in purchasing an RV is high among non-RV owners in the coming year (32%). Overall, a majority of campers (56%) are interested in some type of RVing experience in2022, including 47% who would like to experiment with full-time RVing...”

With so many Canadians going RVing, reviewing safe RV driving is essential. Most common RV accidents are preventable with some safety precautions. Here are 5 RV driving tips to avoid accidents.

Do not speed
Driving too fast is the most common cause of RV accidents, says Trailer Valet.

Speeding increases your chances of an accident, especially in rainy or windy weather. It is also more difficult to stop in time if a vehicle brakes suddenly in front of you. Like with all driving, travelling at a safe speed is key for safe RV driving.

Adjust your mirrors and have a backup camera

This seems like another obvious precaution but because of the size of your RV, it can be difficult to see all areas around it.

Mortons on the Move says, “RVs are longer and wider than automobiles. Even with the right mirrors, it can be difficult to see certain spots around your RV. Without a backup camera, it’s impossible to see behind the vehicle.”

Invest in one if you own your RV and be aware that other traffic can easily be in your blind spot. Maintain as much visibility as possible by adjusting your mirrors properly.

Minimize your chance of driver error

Driver error is a common cause of RV accidents. Being aware of your surroundings, the size of your vehicle, and how much room you need to turn or stop will help decrease your chance of an accident. Avoid bad habits like following other vehicles too closely, speeding, and distracted driving. Never drive intoxicated.

Get enough rest

Trailer Valet points out that fatigued drivers “are often even more dangerous than drunk drivers.”

Some RV statistics suggest that driver fatigue is the second most common cause of RV accidents. Many RVers do not get enough sleep because they drive for too long without rest or try to sleep in noisy surroundings when they do pull over.

Following the 3/3/3 rule helps you drive your RV safely. “First, limit your travel to no more than 300 miles in one day. Second, arrive no later than 3 p.m. Finally, stay at your destination for at least three days,” says Nomadic News.

Do not overload your RV

Overloading your RV increases your risk of getting into an accident. Mortons on the Move points out that “the weight of your RV, combined with … windy conditions... could spell disaster.”

An overweight RV puts strain on the chassis or tow vehicle and increases the chances of a tire blowout or rig damage. Overloaded motorhomes work harder and can get brake system, engine, or transmission problems that can cause dangerous accidents.

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