Affordable employee benefits for plumbing and heating businesses

As an employer with a unique plumbing and heating business, you pride yourself on timely and reliable service and rely on your employees to do excellent work that makes your business stand out. You want to support your employees and meet their specific needs by providing a customized and comprehensive employee benefit plan that will truly help them. Happy employees mean great work, return customers, referrals, and long-term success as your business grows.
Reasons to have a group benefits plan for your plumbing and heating business
- Having competitive compensation, including group benefits, attracts top talent.
- Employees appreciate benefits plans and are more likely to stay if they are covered.
- Incentives like group benefits are likely to have a positive impact on productivity.
- Increasing workplace wellness improves morale and decreases absenteeism.
- Group benefits are tax-free and use your employee's pre-tax income.
Wellness in the workforce
Prescription drug costs are increasing, and self-care is a growing trend in the workforce, which means that significant claims are inevitable. Absorbing the cost of employee benefits may not be realistic for a small business, which can mean reducing coverage or eliminating your benefits plan. Fortunately, our pooled program means that these drastic steps are not necessary, and you can provide the quality service small businesses are known for while providing large business benefits to your staff.
Lower rates through strength in numbers
There are endless health and dental benefits plans out there and we are proud to stand out by adding value for the plumbing and heating industry with our pooled program. It removes the uncertainty around renewals by providing strength in numbers. Our collaborative approach to group benefits combined with our pool means that you can avoid large rate increases by budgeting for renewals. Your rates are not determined by the claims in your small group but are based on our pool of clients, which results in rate stability comparable to that of Canada’s largest corporations. We also eliminate excess administrative overhead by working directly with our clients and returning the savings to you.
Many businesses we work with have saved over 20% compared to their existing plan. By working with you directly using our pooled business model we can offer a safer and more cost-effective method of buying employee benefits insurance.