Alberta couple wins $10,000 from Western

Quote to Win winner Alberta couple wins $10,000 from Western

As part of the Quote to Win campaign that ran from June to August across Canada, Western Financial Group awarded $10,000 to one lucky winner.

The luck recipients of the $10,000 cash prize went to Brenda and Vernon Hansen of Chestermere, Alberta.

These great customers have been with Western for more than 20 years. They live in Chestermere, and Amy in our Edson office provided the winning home insurance quote when they were looking to move this summer.

Brenda said she was thrilled and shocked to receive the call: “I am so happy, nothing like this has ever happened to me! It’s kind of funny, we sold the house and are moving and went to get a quote for our new house, then, we find out our old house needs a new roof, so, the timing is perfect!”

Amy was so excited to be able to be the one to share the good news with Brenda and Vernon. Congratulations again from everyone at Western Financial Group.

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