How Do I Choose Car Insurance?

Choosing car insurance has a checklist: It means choosing the right car, the right coverage, the right insurance deductible, and the right insurer for your situation.
Ask your Western insurance expert about choosing car insurance. We have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through this process to find the right policy at the right value for you.
Choose the right car
The type of car you drive affects your insurance rates and this is something to think about when choosing the right car for you. Choose the car that is right for you when it comes to safety features, price, drivability, and practicality. You can choose the right car by learning about insurance rates for different vehicles.
Choose your car insurance deductible
The deductible on your car insurance is the amount you will have to pay before your coverage kicks in, and how high your deductible is does affect the cost of your car insurance policy. Choose your car insurance deductible by deciding how high it can be while still being affordable if you need to make a claim. The higher your deductible is, the lower your car insurance rate may be.
Choose the right insurer
Choose the right insurer by doing some research. Shop around and get quotes from different insurance providers so you can compare coverage and cost. When you choose the right insurer for you, you can expect to get the best coverage at the best price. Insurance rates change every year, so it is important to do an annual rate check.
Your Western car insurance expert will answer your questions and help you choose car insurance that is right for you.
Choose the right coverage
Choose the right coverage by determining what type of coverage and how much you need. Check to see if the province or territory that you live in has mandatory coverages.
At a minimum, you need to have enough third-party liability coverage to cover property damage and bodily injury to a third party. Third-party liability coverage is mandatory in Canada and each province and territory has its own rules. It is a good idea to purchase more than the minimum third-party liability coverage when choosing your car insurance.
You may want additional coverage for damage to your vehicle. Collison insurance covers damage to your car if you hit another object or vehicle. Comprehensive coverage protects your car from a range of risks when it is stationary, such as theft, hail, fire, and flooding. Make sure to have enough coverage while keeping your car insurance affordable.
Western has CAR INSURANCE EXPERTS across Canada. Fill out our form in one minute and one of our insurance brokers will contact you shortly. Our experts are also available now in branch or on the phone to help you choose the right policy for your situation.