Home Insurance and Vandalism

Home Insurance and Vandalism

Vandalism of your home is covered by home insurance. If your home has been vandalized, make a police report and start the claims process right away.

Talk to your Western insurance expert about home insurance and vandalism. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you understand how home insurance covers vandalism.

What is vandalism?

Vandalism is the willful destruction of property by a third party, meaning someone who is not on your home insurance policy and not your immediate family. Insurers may also use the terms “malicious mischief” and “vandalism and malicious acts.”

How does home insurance cover vandalism?

Home vandalism can include egging your house, damaging your lawn, damaging an expensive piece of art, graffiti, arson, cutting down trees, and smashing windows and locks. Vandalism is covered by your home insurance policy with one of three types of coverage:

  • Dwelling insurance covers vandalism to your home and attached structures.
  • Personal property insurance covers your possessions, like furniture, a barbeque, and other personal property if it is vandalized.
  • Other structures insurance covers vandalism to detached structures like garages and sheds.

What should you do if your home is vandalized?

If you come home to find that your property has been vandalized, report it immediately and start the insurance claims process.

  • File a police report because vandalism is a crime and the police can help you find evidence to support your claim. A police report may be required by your insurer.
  • File a claim right away. Most insurers have apps or a website to make this easy.
  • Document the damage by taking photos and videos and making a list of damaged property.
  • Make temporary repairs to damaged windows and doors and save the receipts.
  • Check with your insurer before starting repairs so your claim is not compromised.
  • Get estimates for repairs from different contractors.

Your Western home insurance expert will answer any questions you may have about home insurance and vandalism and will help you understand the process of making a claim.

When is vandalism not covered by home insurance?

Vandalism is not covered by home insurance in some situations.

  • If your home is empty for 30-60 days or longer, your home insurance will not cover vandalism.
  • Vandalism may not be covered if you have a home-based business.
  • Home insurance does not cover vandalism caused by a tenant. Renting out your property is considered to be a business and is not covered by standard home insurance. There are other insurance products available that will cover vandalism of your rental property.

How much property crime is there in Canada?

According to Statistics Canada, police-reported property crime decreased slightly from 2019-2021 in urban areas, from around 3,500 offenses to just under 3,000 offences per 100,000 population and stayed about the same in rural areas, around just under 4,000 per 100,000 population. Recent crime statistics can be found here:


Western has home insurance experts across Canada. Fill out our form in one minute. One of our insurance brokers will contact you shortly. Our experts are also available now in branch or on the phone to help you navigate the home insurance journey that will give you the right policy for your situation.

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