How to Manage Homework and Device Time

How to Manage Homework and Device Time

You can help your kids manage homework and device time by limiting screen time and creating a homework schedule.

Making a homework schedule

Balancing homework and device time can be a challenge for parents. The first step is to create a homework schedule for your kids. Making a homework schedule sets clear expectations about when homework is to be done. It also helps prevent procrastination and helps kids learn to plan, organize, and manage projects.

Schedule free time

Most children need to have a snack and decompress after school before starting their homework. They have just spent six or more hours at school, travelling, and doing extracurricular activities so let them have a break first.

Make a timeline

Figure out how long your child needs for homework every day. Younger kids may only need a few minutes and older ones might need an hour or longer.

Give kids a choice

Let your children be part of the process when creating a homework schedule so they know their concerns were heard. If they have a favorite TV show or play games online at a certain time, allow them to schedule homework around these activities.

Give kids a workspace

Your child’s homework spot should be well lit, comfortable, quiet, and stocked with supplies. You should be able to supervise if needed. If you have more than one child, they may need separate homework spots so they are not distracted.

Limiting device time

Too much screen time can cause health problems like headaches, obesity, eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, problems sleeping, reduced attention span, and irritability. Not only is too much time with devices detrimental to your child’s health, but it also reduces the time they spend on homework.

Set a limit on device time

Limiting screen time frees up time for your kids to spend on other activities. Allow a daily amount of device time and let your kids “bank” unused screen time and use it another day. Make sure to interrupt their screen time at a natural break, like after their show has ended or they finish the level they are on in their video game.

No devices in your kid’s room

Your child should not have their devices with them in their room at bedtime. Multiple studies show that kids who have media in their rooms are less likely to get enough sleep.

Plan other activities

Show your kids other fun activities besides spending time on their devices. Teach them how to cook, encourage reading, or sign them up for sports, music, or art classes. Spend some family time outdoors biking, walking, or playing sports.

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