Shoveling the snow is one of the downfalls of a winter wonderland but it does not need to be the dreaded chore many people think it is. When done safely, cleaning your sidewalk can even be healthy exercise.
According to OHS Canada, “it works both your upper and lower body, and these sorts of activities done regularly can reduce your risk for heart disease and premature death. In lab testing, snow shoveling was equivalent to vigorous physical activity, like running on a treadmill.”
But you do need to be careful about safety, especially if you have a health condition like heart disease or are inactive. Cold weather complicates shoveling because it makes arteries constrict when they need to open so more blood can flow to the heart and muscles. This can mean higher blood pressure, poor blood flow, more work for the heart, and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
Heart conditions are not the only shoveling-related injures to send people to the hospital. In the U.S., the average of 11,500 injuries consists mainly of lower back injuries and muscle tears and strains. Make sure to warm up before you start shoveling by walking for 5-10 minutes and do some stretches.
Using the right kind of shovel will make cleaning your sidewalk much easier and reduce the risk of injury.
Ergonomics is not just for your office chair and working with your body instead of against it makes shoveling easier.
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has some tips for shoveling the sidewalk safely.
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