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Remediated High River playgrounds officially re-open

In December 2013, as part of 2013 flood relief initiatives, Western Financial Group (Western) and Desjardins donated $100,000 to the remediation of three High River playgrounds all damaged by flood water in June 2013. The funds were distributed through the Western Communities Foundation, Western’s charitable arm. Spitzee Elementary School, École Joe Clark and Holy Spirit Academy all received funds to disinfect, decontaminate and spruce up playgrounds affected by the flood. The playgrounds at Spitzee Elementary School and École Joe Clark are now ready for students to use and the playground at Holy Spirit Academy will be ready in February.

On Tuesday, October 21st, Western executives and employees along with Desjardins executives, members of the Foothills School Division, students and staff of Spitzee Elementary School, and the Mayor of High River, Craig Snodgrass, all gathered to celebrate the re-opening of the Spitzee Elementary School playground. The event was marked by school kids cheering and a ribbon cutting ceremony at the remediated playground.

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