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Restaurant insurance designed to protect your business

Restaurant insurance designed to protect your business

Restaurant insurance is designed to protect owners from risks related to serving food and drinks, as well as their industrial equipment. Western can help build you the best policy for your restaurant, deli, or pub. Our nationally licensed insurance experts will help you understand the coverage you require for your personal business needs.

Restaurant insurance explained

If you own the building or operate as a tenant, our insurance experts can help you understand the correct limits needed for your policy to match the stock and equipment you have. We also provide commercial general liability, to cover you in the event of a slip and fall or issue from the food you provide to your guests.

Key Coverages to consider:

Liquor Liability:

Liquor liability coverage can protect your restaurant for negligence when serving alcohol to customers. This includes over serving a customer in your establishment. Once the individual is past the point of intoxication, and if they cause harm to the public or ones-self, you as the owner and company may be liable based on level of care given to the intoxicated individual and the harm or damage they cause inside and outside of your restaurant.

Food Spoilage:

Food spoilage is a key coverage to have on the restaurant policy. It is designed to protect the contents (food and liquor) that is kept in a cooler, fridge, or freezer that has spoiled due to a power outage, insured peril, or malfunction. Typically, this coverage is added on the policy either with equipment break down or as a separate line limit.

Equipment Breakdown:

Equipment break coverage is a coverage on almost every policy and is important for restaurant policy because it will protect against mechanical and electrical breakdowns on equipment like coolers, exhaust systems, and freezers.

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