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Should You Buy Your Boat in the Off-Season?

The Advantages of Buying a Boat in Winter

Should you buy your boat in the off-season?

Does boat shopping have any advantages in the winter for B.C. boaters?

Should you buy your boat in the winter?

Yes, you should consider buying your boat in winter because there are buyer advantages during these months for B.C. boaters.

Here’s why winter is a good time to buy your boat in British Columbia:

Boat shows: You can do your research in person at a winter boat show. You can see the season’s new boats up close and you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions about specific models.

Seasonal discounts: B.C. boat dealers may be more open to offering discounts to clear out their inventory and make room for new arrivals. You may find better deals compared to the peak boat season when competition is tougher.

Buyer's market: When B.C. dealerships are trying to clear out current-year models to make room for new models, it’s usually a better market for boat buyers. There may also be more room for negotiation.

Custom boat orders: Winter is a good time to place a custom boat order because it takes time for your custom boat to be ready and then delivered to you.

Trade-ins: In the cold months, you can usually get the best trade-in value for your current boat.

Storage: When you buy in the winter, you may be offered free winter boat storage for a specific period.

Accessories: In the off-season, you can get some accessories for free. You may be offered a maintenance package that is financially advantageous.

Extras: Did you know that you can negotiate for extras such as extended warranties or added equipment?

Do I need to get B.C. boat insurance if I buy my boat in winter?

It’s easy to overlook any risks when you’re not going out on the water in the winter. Yes, you do need to get boat insurance if you buy your boat in the cold, off-season months.

Why? You need to protect your investment in your boat year-round.

B.C. boat insurance protects against unforeseen events in winter

Stored boats can become an attractive target for thieves and vandals in winter, especially if they are in more remote locations. The risk of theft or vandalism doesn't go away because you aren’t out boating.

Raccoons, squirrels, and mice can you your boat as a winter hideaway and cause much damage. Be sure to find out if you boat insurance covers rodent damage.

Snow and ice buildup on your boat can cause significant damage, including hull and engine damage and cracked exteriors and interiors. Boat insurance can cover snow and ice buildup, but you’ll need to check your policy.

Liability protection

Accidents can still happen when your boat is not in use in winter. Someone could get injured on or around your boat, or your boat could somehow cause property damage. Liability insurance for your boat helps cover any legal fees, medical bills, or repair costs as a result of such incidents.

Did you know? Many B.C. marinas and lending institutions will require boaters to insure their vessels.

Boat insurance in British Columbia is recommended year-round to cover accident liability costs, damage, loss, and theft. If you are buying a boat this winter, don’t leave it unprotected during the off-season.

Final thoughts

Winter can be an optimal time to buy and insure a boat in British Columbia. You will have the time to do your research, ask questions, and prepare for the boating season in the off-peak months.

Spring and boat season will be on their way soon enough!

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