Toy drive to bring smiles to Alberta Children's Hospital

We’re excited to invite our customers, employees and community members in southern Alberta to help us give the gift of hope to kids in care at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

This year, Western Financial Group’s Claresholm, Lethbridge, Nanton, Okotoks, Diamond Valley and Vulcan brokerage offices are teaming up to host a toy drive for kids and youth at the hospital.

We’ve made it easy to take part and the outcome is powerful — putting smiles on kids’ faces. Simply drop off a new unwrapped toy during business hours at one of the participating offices.

Every year, approximately 102,000 children from southern Alberta and across Canada rely on the specialized medical care provided by the doctors and nurses at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

We’re grateful for the life-saving care kids and youth receive every day.

Alex Fish, Western’s organizer, said “having influence to direct Western’s holiday toy drive toward the goodness associated with the Alberta Children’s Hospital creates immense value and spirit.”

Toys must be safe and built with non-toxic materials. Toddler’s toys with sharp edges or small pieces will not be permitted. Donated toys must be easy to disinfect and non-aggressive in nature.

All toys will be delivered directly to the hospital by Western’s holiday helper team. Thank you for your support toward making the season special for these children.

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