Trick-or-Treating Tips for Staying Safe this Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner. We're all excited to see the Cruella Deville and Luca the sea monster costumes parading around the neighbourhood. While the pandemic has changed how we do things, October 31st is still a night for tricks and treats.

Here are some tips to help your family have a spook-tacularly safe and fun Halloween.

Costume Safety

Whether you're trick or treating with a wicked witch or a caped crusader, make sure you dress your kids warmly and consider following these tips:

  • Costumes should fit. You don't want them tripping over a dress or cape.
  • Masks should have adequate holes to breathe and see out of.
  • Makeup should be non-toxic. Before using any makeup on your child's face, test it on the back of the hand to make sure there's no irritation.
  • Don't let your kids sleep with their makeup on, or it might irritate their eyes or face.
  • Drivers will have a hard time seeing a ghoul dressed in all black.
  • Make sure your kids are easy to see. Give your kids a flashlight, glow sticks, or reflective goodie bags.

Plan your night

You've got your costumes picked out. Now with just a little bit of planning, you're all set!

  • Talk to your kids ahead of time. Remind them to watch out for cars and to cross the road in groups.
  • If your kids are old enough to go out on their own, remember to plan a safe route with them and agree on when they should be home.
  • For the adults accompanying the kids, remember to stay alert. It's easy to get distracted by your phone or when talking with another parent. You don't want to lose sight of your kids and have them dart into the street.

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Inspect the treats

At the end of the night, your trick-or-treater will be excited to open their loot, but before your kids dive in, make sure an adult inspects their goodie bags.

  • Throw away any unpackaged or unwrapped candy, and any baked goods, if you don't know the people handing them out.
  • Ration out the treats to avoid too much sugar or tummy aches.
  • Kids tend to share and trade their candy, so, be mindful of the food and nut allergies of any other children who may be sampling your kids' treats.

COVID-19 safety tips

This year take extra precaution when going from house to house.

  • It’s fun to trick-or-treat with a bunch of families, but this year you may want to avoid going out in large groups.
  • While haunted houses can add just the right touch of fright, they can also be poorly ventilated. So instead, keep the festivities outdoors and go for a scary corn maze or train ride.
  • If you want your kids to wear surgical masks or protective face coverings, try to make it fun. Get creative and decorate them for the occasion.

COVID safety still applies, but with just a little bit of preparation and planning, this Halloween will still be a treat!

Keep these tips in mind and have a SAFE and happy Halloween!

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