Trust and support your business insurance broker

Dawn Ladds, vice president of commercial sales for Western Financial Group, stands in front of a patterned curtain with crossed, relaxed arms

Dawn Ladds, vice-president of commercial sales for Western Financial Group

January 13, 2020. At Western, your trust in our business insurance experts is the anvil on which strong relationships are forged. Western Financial Group is with you — we’re committed to your protection.

“Our teams are here to listen and to completely understand your business so we can advise and manage your risk in the best possible way,” Dawn Ladds, Western’s vice-president of commercial sales, said.

Ladds, whose insurance career started almost 20 years ago, was, among other roles, assistant vice president at Aviva Canada and SVP with Marsh & McLennan Companies before joining Western’s team.

“One of the things I enjoy best about commercial lines is you are easily able to tailor policies to an individual business’ needs,” she said, noting learning never stops for commercial account executives.

In knowing the dedication business owners invest in their own operation, Ladds said brokers must bring the same level of commitment to their roles, mirroring the efforts their customers do every day.

“I want our clients to derive the benefits of working with a team that’s on point, good at what they do and motivated to be helpful,” she said.

Elevated customer care begins with clients knowing their questions are being answered and that brokers are prepared to implement solutions for any concerns they may have, Ladds said.

“We must hit it every step of the way,” she said.

Ladds is passionate about seeing people, both clients and her own teams, achieve success. Outside work, she is a hockey mom to a 13-year-old and pushes herself in competitive marathon running.

She recalled her first-place in Edmonton (2016) and Regina (2018) as well as events in Minnesota, Arizona and Massachusetts among others.

Yet her most recent race took place last November when she ran the famed New York Marathon.

“It was beautiful,” she said. “The sky was so blue; there wasn’t a cloud in it. Everyone was so excited. The energy was palpable. It was really fun.”

Having secured sixth among the Canadian women who participated, Ladds has her sights set on half marathons in 2020, with her strategy focused on wanting to improve her race speed.

With business insurance a key policy for our teams and customers, our brokers at Western ensure you’re protected with the right coverage today and into the future.

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