Western Direct Insurance Brings CFL's Grey Cup to High River

High River, AB, January 27, 2015: Western Direct Insurance, a proud sponsor of the Calgary Stampeders, celebrated the city’s Canadian Football League championship today in High River, Alberta by bringing the Grey Cup to École Joe Clark Elementary School where kids had an opportunity to celebrate the city’s championship victory with the famous trophy.

Earlier in the day, the trophy also made a brief appearance at the Western Financial Group head office in High River where staff had an opportunity to pose for pictures with the Grey Cup.

“Our partnership with the Calgary Stampeders is one that we are very proud of and we couldn’t be happier to share in the celebration of their Grey Cup victory with High River students and our employees,” says Rod Cunniam, Chief Operating Officer, Direct Distribution for Western Direct Insurance. “The fact that the Stampeders gave us an opportunity to share the Grey Cup with a local school in our community just solidifies their commitment to their partners and fans.”
“We thank Western Direct Insurance for their ongoing partnership with the Calgary Stampeders and feel proud to support the community of High River by having them share in the celebration of our victory,” says Gordon Norrie, President, Calgary Stampeders.
Western Direct Insurance has been a sponsor of the Calgary Stampeders since 2013 and will continue their partnership for the upcoming 2015 season.
About Western Direct Insurance
Western Direct Insurance offers home, condo and tenant insurance in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. In British Columbia, the products are offered under Western Direct Insurance Agency. Western Direct Insurance also provides car, motorcycle and recreational vehicle insurance for residents in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Western Direct Insurance products are offered through Western Financial Group, a diversified insurance services company that serves more than 790,000 customers across Western Canada.

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