Western Financial Group Communities Foundation celebrates 20th Anniversary!

Western Financial Group Communities Foundation celebrates 20th Anniversary

With roots in more than 180 communities nationwide, Western Financial Group Communities Foundation has grown and remains true to its mission as a community-focused non-profit. The Foundation will support an additional 20 communities this year, on top of their annual givebacks, to celebrate and support our communities.

The Okanagan Humane Society (OHS) took in a large load of abandoned animals when people were evacuated due to the abundance of wildfires in British Columbia this year. This week, The Foundation alongside our Rutland Kelowna branch is excited to give back $1,000 to support the OHS’s mission. The OHS is 100 per cent volunteer-run, and foster home based, relying only on donations and grants to run the shelter. The OHS could not function without supporters, volunteers, and the care and compassion of their veterinary partners.

The Communities Foundation’s mission is to have a positive impact on the people and pride within the communities where Western employees live and work. Laurette LaPlante, Director, of the Western Financial Group Communities Foundation said: “Animals often get overlooked when times are tough. When families are struggling must prioritize who to feed, it is often the family pet that either goes hungry or gets sent to the shelter when there just isn’t enough to go around. Many animals also get displaced by fires and supporting the Okanagan Humane Society we can offer care to those who cannot help themselves but hold a piece of our hearts”

For more information on the 20 givebacks, follow Western Financial Group’s Facebook, or visit: https://westerngives.com/20-years-of-giving

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