Western Financial Group Declares Dividends (May 2011)

High River, Alberta – May 24, 2011 (TSX – WES) – Western Financial Group (“the Company”) announced today that it will provide the following dividends:

Preferred Series 3: TSX:WES.PR.A – A dividend of $3.3750 per preferred share be declared payable on June 16, 2011 to holders of record as of June 1, 2011.

Preferred Series 4: TSX:WES.PR.B – A dividend of $3.3750 per preferred share be declared payable on June 16, 2011 to holders of record as of June 1, 2011.

All dividends are designated as “eligible” dividends for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any similar provincial and territorial legislation.

Western Financial Group is a leader in providing insurance, financial services and banking services in over 90 communities, to more than 550,000 individuals and businesses in Western Canada through its Network locations, its affiliated insurance brokers, Western Life Assurance Company, Bank West and Western Financial Insurance Company.

The Common Shares of Western Financial Group are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “WES”.

This press release is not for distribution to any United States news service or otherwise in the United States.

For further information, please contact:
Arlene Beggs, Assistant to the President
Western Financial Group

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