Supporting Our Teams, Customers and Communities During Wildfires

Western is Supporting Our Teams, Customers and Communities During Wildfires

In a summer that has seen natural disasters across Canada, the most recent wildfire events have hit central British Columbia and the Northwest Territories hard.

With team members, customers and communities all impacted, here's how Western Financial Group has stepped up to help.


A bright light in a scary time

We have teams from all areas of the company who have come together to offer support to both our team members and our customers. Some of the immediate work that has been done is reaching out to each of our colleagues in the affected areas to ensure that they, and their families are safe, and have all the information they need to get any support they may require.

We are also making sure any customers who come to us for support are treated with kindness and compassion for their situation. Individual emails have been sent to each of our customers in the affected areas to ensure they know we are here to help and how they can reach us 24/7.

Our customers need reassurance, and they need to know where to come see us or how to contact us – and they came to the Kelowna Harvey Branch (KEL) to find it. One of our customers told Laura Moreau, "It's a rollercoaster here and I appreciate your calm compassionate assistance this morning."

Three (unrelated) hearing-impaired customers all arrived at the KEL Branch at the same time. And while no one in the Branch knew ASL, they took the time to find ways to communicate with the customers and ensure they received the help they needed.

When the call went out that the Fire Department in Kelowna needed water, Gatorade and energy snacks, Kelowna's Rutland Branch (RUT) Manager, Kyle Giesbrecht and his wife, on behalf of the entire Kelowna team, stepped up and delivered a carload.

Team members across Western have provided support to ensure our colleagues in affected areas are safe and accounted for, customers are cared for, and claims are handled in a timely and caring manner.


Despite the unfolding natural disaster, our team members still shine. There are stories of kindness and compassion in the affected areas and across Western.

"I am so incredibly proud to work with people who do not hesitate to step up to support our colleagues and customers who are going through a very difficult time, even while some of them are also in the midst of the chaos," says Kenny Nicholls, our President and CEO. "This is such a difficult and emotional time for so many, and for them to know their Western colleagues care is tremendously comforting."

$10,000 donation to the Red Cross British Columbia Fires Appeal Fund

In partnership with the Western Communities Foundation, Western Financial Group has made a $10,000 donation to the Red Cross British Columbia Fires Appeal Fund, which will be used for immediate and ongoing relief, as well as recovery efforts.

"The incredible character and unity of Western and our people shine brightest when tragic events occur by demonstrating compassion, leadership, and commitment to help our communities," sums up Grant Ostir, Chief Executive Growth Officer.

Thank you to everyone who has given their time, energy, support, and concern when it's needed most. We truly could not do it without you. The battle isn't over yet so please continue caring for our people out there - every little thing you can do counts!

This is yet another reminder of what makes Western a great company – because #AtWesternWeCare.

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