Western's business insurance teams are about the customer

As business owners, you may be experiencing insurance rate increases — we’ve seen them as well.
A constant in today’s world is change and contacting your Western Financial Group broker is more important than ever. Rest assured our commercial account executives keep in contact, provide advice and work on your behalf.
We’re dedicated to providing you the right business insurance coverage at the best value. In all market conditions, our brokers offer choice via access to numerous products from partner insurance companies.
Yes, premiums are increasing due to a multitude of factors, environmental issues among them — higher claims costs — as well as industry losses. However, we have the expertise to serve your insurance needs.
We’re your local insurance brokers — better yet, we’re your insurance advocates. Available by phone, email or in person, our loyalty and knowledge have commercial customers, of all sizes, across Canada confident in Western’s brand.
“We care for our clients and ensure you’re educated on what coverage options are available,” Dawn Ladds, Western’s vice president of commercial sales, said.
These days, you might wonder about the heightened level of detail our brokers require for your business — maybe even new questions. These inquiries ensure you always have the correct terms to protect your business.
We leverage our strong relationships with insurance carriers.
By further educating a carrier about their customers — be it a ‘best in class business’ and longtime policy holder — we’re supporting our clients in securing a policy that, indeed, offers the best value.