Western team unites to support Western Communities Foundation

Western's corporate headquarters team prior to the National Walk to Support the Cause on May 29
Our Western Financial Group team is grateful for the powerful support received from our people, partners and community members after the 17th annual National Walk to Support the Cause on May 29.
Since 2002, the walk has been a key fundraiser for our charitable arm, the Western Communities Foundation. We support communities via infrastructure improvements, student bursaries and grants.
On that day, 1,800 of our people from our 180 branches participated in 5K walk/runs alongside friends and neighbours — each step, in a sense, building Canadian communities and supporting residents.
Decked out in our blue Foundation shirts, we were united. From British Columbia through to Ontario, our events, many joined by executive team members, proved tremendous successes.
In High River, both our corporate office and downtown branch teams participated. Thank you to Kenny Nicholls, Western’s CEO and president, and WCF board member Tom Dutton for walking alongside us.
Since the start of 2019, we’ve raised $85,000 and counting through the Support the Cause walks and events for the WCF. We’re well on our way to surpassing the $203,000 raised in 2018.
After 17 years, the WCF has donated over $3.2 million to the communities in which we live and work. Every day, we strive to build vibrant Canadian communities.