What Insurance Do You Need for Your ATV?

If you are not riding your ATV on your own private property, then you will need to insure it.
ATV insurance is mandatory if you are riding it on public roads and highways.
Why doesn’t my car insurance or home insurance cover my ATV?
All-terrain vehicle (ATV) insurance is separate coverage from your car insurance. You may also hear it called off-road vehicle (ORV) insurance. You may also hear your ATV called a quad.
Riding an ATV can put drivers in dangerous and unpredictable situations due to the terrain they’re on – hilly, bumpy, muddy – in addition to riding on sand dunes, unpaved roads, paths, and other uneven terrain. Insurance companies look at the risks associated with driving an ATV and have determined that ATVs require their own insurance policies.
Your home insurance typically does not cover recreational vehicles. If you are using an ATV only on your property, you do not need insurance but you are taking on a risk.
Do I need to have a driver’s licence for my ATV?
To get insurance for your all-terrain vehicle, you and anyone you are listing as a user of your ATV need to have a valid driver’s licence.
Does getting a ticket while driving my ATV affect my car insurance?
Yes, it can impact your car insurance rate. If you commit a traffic infraction and get a ticket while driving an ATV, it’s basically the same as if you received the ticket while driving a car. Once your insurance provider becomes aware of it, it may increase your car insurance premium.
Do I need insurance to store my ATV?
You can expect that a storage facility will ask that you at least have liability insurance.
You don’t need insurance if you plan on storing your all-terrain vehicle in your own garage or shed on your property.
Home insurance, however, will not cover your ATV in the event of fire, theft, or other loss. Your ATV needs to be insured while it is stored.
What kind of insurance coverage do I need for my ATV?
Check with your local Ministry/Department of Transportation to find out what your ATV insurance obligations may be where you live.
Depending on where you live, ATV insurance can include:
Vehicle damage: This coverage helps protect your all-terrain vehicle from such things as collisions, fire, and theft.
Third-party liability: Helps protect you financially if you injure someone or cause damage to another person’s property or vehicle while riding your ATV.
Accident benefits: If you’re injured in an accident, this coverage helps to replace lost income or pay for medical and other expenses not covered by government health insurance.
Uninsured motorists: This coverage provides benefits to you or your family if you’re injured or killed by an uninsured or unidentified driver.
What are optional insurance coverages for ATVs?
Collision: It covers the cost of repair or replacement of your ATV if you have a collision with another vehicle or object like a guardrail or tree. It also covers the cost up to the actual value of ATV, minus the deductible.
Comprehensive: This coverage insures off-road vehicles against damage caused by something other than a collision, such as windshield damage or damage due to theft, vandalism, fire, falling objects, lightning, explosion, or impact with an animal.
Specified Perils: It covers damage to your ATV caused by a list of perils, including fire, lightning, theft, windstorms, earthquake, hail, explosion, or riot.
All Perils: This type of coverage combines collision and comprehensive coverage.
How much will ATV insurance cost?
The cost of ATV insurance depends on:
- The type of ATV you own
- Where you store your ATV when it’s not in use
- When and where you will use your ATV
- Who will be driving your ATV
If your car insurance is with Western Financial Group, ask about the possibility of a discount on your ATV insurance.