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Car Insurance in Cornwall, Ontario


Our insurance experts at Western Financial Group will get the right car insurance at the right value so that you can drive with confidence. We know how important driving is to you.

What you need to know about buying car insurance:

  • Why have two monthly insurance payments when you can have one? When you bundle your car and home insurance, you can get a discount and it’s an easy way to cut costs without cutting coverage.
  • If you have more than one car and they’re insured under the same policy, you can save money on your car insurance with a multi-vehicle discount.
  • If you’re a renter, you can bundle your renter's insurance with car insurance to get a discount.

Looking for Car Insurance in Cornwall?

Cornwall is one of 14 Ontario border crossings between Canada and the United States with thousands of cars and trucks passing through the city daily. Traffic can be unpredictable and you need car insurance that covers you for any situation.

Driving can be challenging in Cornwall on Brookdale Avenue and on Water Street when traffic gets backed up at the Three Nations Bridge Crossing. This border crossing connects Canada, the Akwesasne Mohawk reserve which straddles the Canada–United States border and the Quebec–Ontario border, and the U.S.A.

Your car is also great to get you around in Cornwall for shopping on Pitt Street or on Ninth Street West, or to drive to the Cornwall Civic Complex on Water Street to watch a hockey game. You’ll also need it to get out of town to Long Sault, Morrisburg, Winchester, Alexandria, or Maxville.

Life insurance ensures that your family will be provided for in the event something happens to you.

Setting the Standard in Insurance Broker Service


What do I need to know about car insurance in Cornwall, Ontario?

As a resident of Ontario, you need mandatory car insurance coverage that protects you, your passengers, and other drivers.

Under the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act of Ontario, it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle that is not insured.

There are four types of car insurance that are legally required in Ontario:

  • Third-party Liability Coverage: You must have a minimum of $200,000 in third-party liability coverage as part of your mandatory car insurance. It’s highly recommended that you purchase a higher limit. It protects you if someone is killed or injured, or their property is damaged, and you are found to be legally liable.
  • Statutory Accidents Benefits Coverage: It provides you with benefits if you are injured in an accident, no matter who is found to be responsible. It includes supplementary medical, rehabilitation and attendant care, caregiver, non-earner and income replacement benefits, and there are options to increase most of these coverages.
  • Direct Compensation- Property Damage (DCPD) Coverage:       It covers damage to your car or its contents, and for the loss of use of your car or its contents, if another person was at fault for the accident. It is called direct compensation because even though someone else causes the damage, you collect directly from your own insurer.

Insurance coverage under the DCPD section only applies if the following conditions are met: The accident took place in Ontario and there was at least one other vehicle involved in the accident. At least one of the other vehicles is insured by an insurance company licensed in Ontario.

  • Uninsured Automobile Coverage: It protects you and your family if you are injured or killed by a hit-and-run driver or by an uninsured motorist. It covers damage to your car caused by an identified uninsured driver.

5 Questions about mandatory car insurance in Ontario

At Western Financial Group, we know how important your car is to you in Cornwall.

Before you get in your car, contact us to see how you can save on car insurance in Cornwall.


Western Financial Group is a proud member of the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario

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